I was pleasantly surprised to find that the new PaK43's come on sculpted resin bases, with the base of the gun becoming part of the actual base, making assembly (my most hated part of this hobby) a lot easier. This suits me down to the ground. It means I have a nice base with no real hassle. Of course, the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if it was the right direction to go.
It seems that Battlefront are targeting the lowest common denominator these days, in an effort no doubt to get more people playing Flames of War. This is a great direction, don't get me wrong, but what about those of us who enjoy making our own bases, adding little bits of detail to make our army stand out, or to suit a specific battle?

And if Battlefront are going to be re-modeling all their box sets to include sculpted resin bases, what about making a sculpted base for the command team, so that the whole set is consistent?
I do like the new PaK43, and may even get distracted enough to start on it before I've finished my long over due Brit Airborne.
The older Flak 88 boxed sets came with nicely detailed resin bases too. I should really finish painting mine at some point...
I got the same set for my WGI subscription, but haven't assembled it because I never have points left over to include a PaK43 platoon.
The old mid/late 88's came with TWO sets of guns and scenic and plain bases so you actually got 4 guns out of it. Two were meant to be modeled in tow on the carriages but using the scenic pre-sculpted bases you could get 4 guns... two of which you could almost never field (but a friend could).
The new Brit and German artillery sets are pretty good as well, in regards to scenic bases.
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